Capture exactly what you need from clinical records.

Now providers can instantly tap into the most relevant details from a patient’s clinical history, surfaced via AI-powered summarization.

Talk To Our Experts

Providers are struggling with information overload.

To deliver great care, providers need a clear picture of patient health. But the average medical record contains over 16,000 words, much of it duplicated or irrelevant. So providers are stuck sifting through the mess instead of spending time with patients.


Get only the info you need with Particle Snapshot.

Particle Snapshot puts the most critical insights from a patient’s medical history right at providers’ fingertips. The results? Providers can quickly access relevant details, streamline decision-making, and deliver the right care at the right time.

What you can do with Particle Snapshot


Close preventative care gaps.

Unaddressed medical issues result in sicker patients, higher costs, and strained health systems. Stay a step ahead with Particle Snapshot.

  • See when wellness screenings are due so that you can proactively intervene and optimize patient outcomes.
  • Improve HEDIS scores and Star ratings, increasing reimbursements for value-based programs.
  • Enhance patient engagement with targeted follow-ups and personalized care plans.

Rx management, monitoring, & distribution

With Med Rec, you can easily use clinical medication records to create innovative digital health solutions that improve patient care:

  • Provides up-to-date de-duplicated medication data for accurate reconciliation and adherence monitoring
  • Enables fast, accurate onboarding
  • Improve patient safety and outcomes by helping to ensure the right patient gets the right meds at the right time — without duplicating efforts or prescribing contraindicated medications
Learn More

Quickly understand your patient’s risk level.

Make proactive decisions with confidence, and tailor your care strategies to mitigate risks before they escalate.

Develop personalized care strategies

based on a comprehensive view of each patient’s history.

Identify high utilizers

based on historical encounters.

Track disease progression

with a summarized view of recent labs and procedures.

Med Rec

Easily use clinical medication records to create innovative digital health solutions that improve patient care.

A solution built for:

Value-based care

From patient risk assessment, to care optimization, to accurate outcomes reporting — we’ve got you covered.


Particle delivers the high-quality insights you need to optimize performance, maintain compliance, and more.

It’s Fast Healthcare Interoperability Resources, Filtered Outputs and More

How can Snapshot work for you?

Download our one-pager now.

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