Building the Future of Healthcare with Data

What would the future of healthcare look like if we leveraged all our health data effectively?

It’s time to ax the fax and integrate relevant patient data directly into provider workflows. But a flood of data doesn’t always mean more value. Providers don’t have time to sift through a 150-page PDF to find one lab value or metric. What providers need is organized data with context; where the patient’s journey has led, what medication therapies have worked, previous illness suffered, and more. 

Dr. Carolyn Ward, Director of Clinical Strategy, knows firsthand that sorting through data takes too much of a provider’s time and is not feasible during a 15-minute patient appointment. In our recent webinar, Integrating clinical data into your workflows with Particle FOCUS, she shared how 39% of clinicians report that the patient data available to them isn’t actionable and that one in three clinicians report that the patient data available to them isn’t relevant.  

Is there a solution for actionable and relevant data? Yes. Particle facilitates health enterprise data interoperability that makes data as clean and actionable as possible. In the data ecosystem, Particle connects to the three national networks- Commonwell, Carequality and eHealth Exchange. Enterprises only need to integrate once for access to all three, including a connection to 160,000+ hospitals, clinics and care facilities. 

Coming into FOCUS 

Particle FOCUS (filtered outputs curated for usability and simplicity) works as a lens that sits on top of clinical data and can pull out exactly what the provider needs at the point-of-care. FOCUS does so by delivering simplified and organized patient health information across seven disease states: Diabetes, Cardiology, Oncology, Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD), Pulmonology, Orthopedics, and Gastroenterology. With FOCUS, patient data is automatically refined to relevant labs (LOINC), diagnoses (ICD-10), procedures (CPT/HCPCS), and medications (RxNORM) using over 10,000 clinical codesets. This allows data to be filtered down to the most pertinent disease drivers and indicators, enabling providers to quickly integrate relevant patient health information into their existing workflows and inform treatment plans. 

Particle has already proven that FOCUS works by helping one of its chronic kidney disease (CKD) partners achieve a hospital readmission rate that is 41.5% lower than that of similar non-participants – delivering a savings of $337 PMPM, or 13% total medical cost reduction. Reducing readmissions to enable cost savings is a driver for health enterprises operating under value-based care (VBC) models.    

Dr. Ward detailed that “as a first step, when a CKD patient goes to a specialist, they work to determine the underlying causes of the disease via comorbidities, medications, lab values, and imaging. Particle helps by providing the longitudinal patient data providers need to isolate specific metrics to inform their care.”  

FOCUS products include Specialty Search, Particle’s condition-oriented enhancement to its geography-oriented record locator service (RLS). Specialty Search ensures that information is collected from all sources and FOCUS refines this data into condition-specific clinical values. In all, FOCUS is incredibly impactful for organizations practicing VBC initiatives, those needing to onboard new patients, or identify risk flags, past conditions or gaps in care. With these capabilities, clinicians working with Particle have the ability to: 

  • Onboard and assess patients quickly and affordably 
  • Track and improve understanding of patient risk across your population (to better avoid costly ED visits) 
  • Find and address gaps in care at the point of care 
  • Build custom risk insight metrics by dragging and dropping data into your patient profile for a scalable suit of insights.  
  • Geography-oriented and condition-oriented search- reach beyond the patient’s zip code and a 50 miles radius. FOCUS queries all the national networks  

If your health enterprise could use a 90% hit rate for records every time you query for data, you’ve found the right partner. Particle gets an average of 12+ conditions per patient and 155 average number of files per patient.  

To learn more about enabling simple and secure access to actionable healthcare data, please come find us here

Interested in viewing the webinar on Integrating clinical data into your workflows with Particle FOCUS? Get in touch with us for the recording.